In the soft glow of dawn, amidst the hushed whispers of morning, there exists a familiar chaos you know all too well: a scene of clattering dishes, hurried footsteps and sleepy-eyed embraces. The flurry of activity begins in the middle of breakfast rituals and ends with the last goodbye kiss as everyone hustles out of the door–and then, silence. It’s the kind of peaceful silence that leaves you aglow. 


Each day unfolds differently and it can sometimes bring a whirlwind of emotions–but all the moments that build up to it are your little treasures, and you cherish every bit of it. Sometimes, it may feel like you’re not doing it right; but, give yourself a bit more credit. Forgive yourself–you’re already doing an incredible job. Your efforts are seen, your love is felt–and you’re all the more cherished for it.


To the new mothers navigating parenthood for the first time with trembling hands and sleep-deprived eyes, you’re doing an incredible job. In the moments of doubt and uncertainty, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all manual for motherhood. Just take a deep breath and trust yourself. Trust that you are exactly the mother your child needs, unsure as you may be. But most of all, trust your love. You are doing beautifully. 

To the single mothers shouldering the weight of the world on their shoulders, you are an incredible pillar of strength. Despite the challenges you face, you press on. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. And when your weary bones feel a little too tired, remember this: you are stronger than you know and your love is a force to be reckoned with. So, stand tall and keep going. You are more than enough.


To the working mothers balancing career aspirations and the demands of parenthood, you are an inspiration. From early morning meetings to late night dinner preps, you have been navigating this delicate balancing act with poise and determination. Your sacrifice knows no limits and your love knows no bounds. We know all about the difficult choices you’ve had to make: all the missed parent-teacher conferences, late bedtime stories, and the moments of guilt that sometimes creep in when you wonder if you’re doing enough. It’s hard, we understand; but you’re okay. Your little ones understand the burden that you carry. So, take it easy and show yourself a bit more love. 



To the stay-at-homes whose days are filled with endless tasks and responsibilities to keep everything grounded, we see you. Your dedication to creating a warm and loving home for your family is so admirable. You have been a constant presence since day one, tirelessly giving your all to make sure everyone has someone they can depend on. You are a shining example of selflessness and devotion. There is no doubt your children look forward to seeing you welcome them with a big hug when they come home.


To every mother out there, know that you are cherished, appreciated, and loved beyond measure. Happy Mother’s Day.