A Love for Learning

As the little ones trade in their carefree days for the classroom, heading back to school brings a mix of excitement and a bitter pill to swallow. It’s been almost a month since they bid farewell to their vacation break. For some kids, the transition back to routinary days makes them reluctant to embrace their schoolwork. The idea of sitting for hours and learning about subjects they might find boring or difficult isn’t exactly something to look forward to either. 
What if we can change that? What if we can make them see that textbooks aren’t that scary? We can totally get them pumped for the school year and help them find happiness within the four walls of their classroom. School can be fun too!


Whether it’s making homemade rainbows with a glass of water or studying the stars at night, science can feel like an exciting adventure. It becomes less about textbooks and more about hands-on activities. As they experience more freedom doing all sorts of experiments, exploring the world around them, curiosity is bound to dispel any negativity they might feel towards the subject. Encourage them to ask all their questions–nurture their sense of wonder and ignite their passion for learning new things.

Reading doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Storybooks have the power to transport children to new worlds and open their eyes to greater possibilities. Make them see that literature is not just a school assignment. Although the first book might not instantly get them hooked, you can always encourage them to explore an eclectic mix of genres and narratives, from whimsical fairy tales to stories of bravery and heroism. This way, children can have the opportunity to discover what truly excites them and gradually develop an enthusiasm for reading.
And don’t let it stop there! Set aside some time for dramatic reading sessions with them to make it more fun, or organize a book club with their friends. Sooner or later, they might just fall in love with books altogether. You won’t have to urge them to finish a chapter–they’ll do it with glee!

Math can be hard to love–but it’s not impossible. There’s still hope left to get the kids to appreciate numbers, if not fall in love with them! Once we dig deeper into the roadblocks that prevent them from enjoying the subject, we can surely find the best solution. 
But let’s take it one step at a time and keep it low-key so we don’t scare them. Start by making it interactive: incorporate it into their favorite games or daily routines, whether it’s calculating scores during a family board game or measuring ingredients while baking. Turn it into a friendly competition, with prizes for solving puzzles or beating time challenges. Somewhere along the way, they might just gain the confidence to do math problems on their own.


Stepping into music class is always a thrill, offering a refreshing break from all the monotonous lectures and the pressures of note-taking. For a lot of kids, the chance to bang on the drum or hear their favorite music teacher play the piano is a perfect change of pace. However, when they have to start memorizing notes and reading music sheets, the fun can begin to fade, as these aspects can sometimes feel overwhelming for a child.
To turn the scales around, try to make each study time at home into a musical game, integrating their favorite songs to each lesson. You can also challenge them to create their own rhythms after learning about time signatures. Sometimes, incorporating a bit of fun and games is all it takes to keep them engaged.
As children settle back into the rhythm of school, let’s be there to support them along the way. We have the power to breathe life into their school routines. The goal is not just to ensure they complete their homework on time but to help them thrive and find little moments of joy throughout their learning journey.