Every birthday we claim, “This is going to be my year” and sometimes, we end up disappointed when it ends the same way it started. Through this cycle, we realize that not every year will be “our” year and that’s okay. Maybe this year is the quiet chapter that leads to the exciting one- the chapter we skim through just before landing on the part that makes us want to highlight every single word.


It’s as if each year, destiny is writing a different story for us. Our stories don’t quite align, and we don’t always speak the same language. But we’re slowly coming to understand that maybe that’s okay. It’s okay that our story isn’t going exactly the way we penned it.

 Because at the end of the day this is just one chapter in our book. It’s only a few pages out of a thousand. It’s a continuation of a previous chapter or an introduction to a new one. What is crucial is that we take a step back, assess where we are and slowly take over what we can control so we can somehow influence our future. We cannot go anywhere if we choose to stay still.


It doesn’t have to be a colossally momentous year—just like how novels sometimes have seemingly unremarkable chapters. Without these chapters, the story wouldn’t make sense. Maybe this year seems insignificant but it’s essential to the next chapter, the next year, the next big thing.

 In the grand narrative of our lives, every experience contributes to our story and our future. Each chapter shapes who we are and who we are becoming. We learn, we grow, we evolve with every page turned.

Embracing each year’s lessons and challenges, we become better equipped to face our future. We improve bit by bit, year by year, chapter by chapter. So, as we grow a year older, we also grow wiser, stronger and more resilient. Our continuous journey of self-improvement is what makes our story truly remarkable despite all the mundane moments.

 This month, we bid goodbye to another chapter so a better one can begin. It’s another goodbye setting the stage for a more rewarding hello.

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