Have you ever tried looking beyond the farthest point your eyes can see? Does it seem impossible to imagine? Nonexistent? Even though you can barely see beyond it, we have learned that the horizon is not the boundary. It’s not the end.
It’s just how far you can see at the moment.
Where you are now and what is front of you is not the end, either. Even if it feels that way sometimes. And even if you have no idea how you could ever make it out there.
Think about it this way: the horizon is the beginning of your new frontier.
Stay open to all the possibilities life has to offer.
Wake up every morning and try to make it better than yesterday. Open yourself to the endless possibilities that exist when you make a commitment to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Choose to strive for greatness. Why not start today? What can you do today that will take you a step closer to your dreams?
Be curious.
Be brave.
Take that trip. Start your own business. Apply for your dream job. Write that book. Take that class you’ve always wanted to take. Whatever it is that you want to do in life, go for it.
There is so much to do and so much to see. It’s time to realize that yes, our time in the world is limited but our possibilities are endless. That is, as soon as we open your eyes to see them and decide to embrace them. We can either live our lives or watch life pass us by. And in everything we do, the choice is ours to make.
Life is full of mystery waiting to be revealed.
The limit is your imagination.
Will you stay where you are? Or are you ready to soar over the horizon?
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